Prices and Availability

Availability and prices for the Poltimore Pods are here. You can view current availability through the booking system below, just click on your preferred pod on the date that you wish to start your holiday, choose the number of nights and guests and a price will be provided. Click on the ‘Book Now’ button and you will be taken to the Super Control site to complete your secure booking.

Bookings can be taken over the phone, please call 01598 740338. All bookings are fully inclusive and include a full English breakfast that is served in the restaurant at the Poltimore Inn.  The only surcharge is for pets where there is a £10 per night charge. All bookings can be cancelled without charge up to 2 weeks prior to arrival, a 25% deposit is taken for all bookings with the balance payable up to X days before arriving.

The pods are combined as Snowdrop and Cowslip, Poppy and Campion, Bluebell and Primrose, Violet and Heather. Countryside views are available from Bluebell, Snowdrop, Violet and Poppy.  All pods are dog friendly except for Violet and Heather.


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